CECP Insights Blog
CECP's CEO Daryl Brewster, other CECP staff, members of CECP's Board of Directors, and other industry thought leaders provide timely insight into trends and developments on the role of business in society.
How Brands are Empowering Consumers to Accelerate Change – CECP Heads to Sustainable Brands in Paris
May 29, 2019
A month ago, Paris hosted the first European Sustainable Brands conference during a volatile time for the region; the grassroots Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) movement protesting high taxes and economic inequality in the French capital, young people from the Youth Strike 4 Climate movement organizing protests in various UK cities and the disastrous fire at […]
CECP’s Global Exchange at the CRO Global Summit in Shanghai
February 20, 2019
Three years ago, CECP came together with its partner organizations around the world and established the Global Exchange as an opportunity to expand corporate impact and develop a shared voice on how companies are a force for good around the world. The spark for these partnerships came about because of Giving Around the Globe research. […]
Companies have to rethink their role in society
May 9, 2018
Beyond Philanthropy’s benchmarking study on Corporate Citizenship Engagement of the DAX 30 companies shows that German corporations are actively engaged in society beyond their economic activity; nevertheless, they should do more than just reducing their negative impacts on society and environment or contributing cash donations to NGOs. Companies will need to take their social engagement […]
Climate change is a global challenge, and financial, supply chain and other related risks derived from climate change are among the top of the list of potential major impact risks. Taiwanese companies, like many global companies around the world, are beginning to realize the severity of the situation. Taiwanese businesses are using the Sustainable Development […]
This year marks the fifth edition of Giving Around the Globe, a leading report that explores Corporate Societal Investment (CSI) insights and cross-regional strategies among the world’s leading companies. The report is part of CECP’s continued efforts to study worldwide trends and better understand how companies, whether headquartered in the US or internationally, are pursuing […]
Photo: UN Global Compact/Zef Nikolla. General Assembly week at the United Nations (UN) in New York City was a busy one, thanks to CECP’s second CEO Investor Forum and dozens of other events related to sustainable development. As expected, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were front and center throughout. CECP Activities CEO Daryl Brewster joined […]