CECP Insights Blog
CECP's CEO Daryl Brewster, other CECP staff, members of CECP's Board of Directors, and other industry thought leaders provide timely insight into trends and developments on the role of business in society.
Like many employees today, CSR professionals are facing the challenge of “too much data and not sure what to do with it.” If you’re interested in using data for your impact work with community partners and personalizing the employee experience of how they can live their purpose through the company…. Keep reading. Good intelligence needs […]
Response to WSJ's "Stocks Weren’t Made for Social Climbing"
February 1, 2018
Andy Kessler made some interesting points in his piece, “Stocks Weren’t Made for Social Climbing” (1/21/18). Chiefly, we at CECP: The CEO Force for Good, agree with his emphasis on the importance of profits. The issue is how you get there and how to create sustainable value, not just short-term gains. When he suggests that […]
CreateNYC: A Look at How NYC’s Cultural Roadmap Makes a Case for the Social Value of the Arts
November 21, 2017
Photo: Hester Street Collaborative In July, the City of New York released CreateNYC: A Cultural Plan for All New Yorkers, a first-of-its-kind comprehensive plan to establish New York City’s cultural roadmap for the next decade. The plan sets forth objectives and strategies for achieving a more inclusive, equitable, and resilient cultural ecosystem. It examines a number […]
How CSR Can Advance Gender Equity
October 2, 2017
Please note: This blog post is authored by Laura S.L. Herman, Managing Director, FSG, Alexandra Geertz, Director, FSG, and Talia Alongi, Consultant, FSG. In recent years, companies have increasingly focused their CSR efforts on creating opportunities for women and girls. CSR gender efforts often start with a focus on bringing women “up to speed” through […]
New models of corporate citizenship
September 18, 2017
Many corporate citizenship programs involve initiatives that reflect immediate problems (such as apprenticeship programs to fill near-term openings), the nature of their company (such as financial literacy), or local community needs (arts, athletics, etc.). In addition, though, some business leaders and corporations are addressing a social goal that is outside their business expertise and far […]
Brave Leaders, Bold Moves was the theme of this year’s CECP Summit. A fitting start was Carly Fiorina’s opening keynote on Brave Leaders. She recounted several stories including her story of starting as an assistant in a real estate firm as she had studied History in college and didn’t like Law School. At work, there […]
Corporate social investment in Brazil has similarities and differences with practices in the United States. Comunitas has been leading a cross-sector collaboration called Juntos to bring together corporate and public sector actors to drive important changes in major cities in Brazil. Also, for many years Comunitas, has tracked corporate social investments in Brazil. Our findings […]
Darren Walker – Ford Foundation
June 16, 2016
June 16, 2016– “A Call for Corporations to Aim Past Wealth Toward Goodness and A Better World” I’ve always been fond of a sentiment that Horace Mann—the great American abolitionist and foundational reformer of the American education system—once confided to his journal: “If any man seeks for greatness,” Mann wrote in October 1838, “let him […]
Companies acting in Orlando
June 15, 2016
June 15, 2016– Our country is mourning the tragedy in Orlando, and many companies have reached out to us asking how they can help. Several CECP companies have activated their support networks and have made donations to aid in Orlando’s response efforts. As of Tuesday, June 14th: The Mayor of Orlando, Buddy Dyer, this morning […]
Giving Around the Globe
February 24, 2015
February 24, 2015– I have just read the second annual Giving Around the Globe report from CECP (I am a board member), a coalition of 150 global CEOs who are a force for good, on giving patterns of companies based in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. Here are some of the most interesting […]
CVS Health's Prescription for a Better World
November 10, 2014
November 10, 2014–One of the keys to successful corporate social responsibility should be a strong connection to an organization’s mission or purpose. Purpose coupled with strong alignment to business priorities can deliver an impactful platform that supports both long-term growth and social change. At CVS Health, our programs and initiatives are deeply rooted in our […]
November 4, 2014–The October 26, 2013 article, Goldman Sachs, Buying Redemption, was a reminder that corporate societal engagement is changing quickly, yet public perception has not yet caught up. Current, and effective, incarnations of corporate-community investment include projects to solve some of society’s toughest challenges that are benefiting communities and the companies investing in them. […]
The Private Sector's Role in Defining Citizenship
October 28, 2014
October 28, 2014–Our country would benefit tremendously if all young people served their country – not just in the military, but in all kinds of service. The challenges faced by our nation, and the obvious deterioration of many of the institutions and opportunities that have historically helped buttress citizenship, make this idea more important than […]
Unique Findings from Giving in Numbers: 2014 Edition
October 27, 2014
October 27, 2014–According to CECP’s recent research report, Giving in Numbers: 2014 Edition, companies had to give a minimum of about 2% of Pre-Tax Profits to be in the top quartile of corporate givers. Is that a lot? Depends who you ask! One potential comparison is to American individuals—a Chronicle of Philanthropy study found that […]
In the Leverage Business
October 15, 2014
October 15, 2014–Allstate’s recent “Purple Purse” event, held at the Glass Houses in New York City, provides a glimpse into how one company uses its influence as a “Force for Good” to multiply its business and societal impact. Allstate CEO Tom Wilson, who will speak at CECP’s upcoming Board of Boards CEO event about his […]