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  • CECP has browsed hours of video and content found on the World Economic Forum (WEF) homepage to give you the short-and-sweet best of the WEF 2019. See below for our top picks. The Elevator Pitch Overview The prevailing sentiment of the three-day conversation in Davos, Switzerland was subdued, cautious, and apprehensive. The empty seats of […]

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  • Photo: Stuart Parker, CEO of USAA, talks with a veteran at one of the homeless shelters that USAA supports The U.S. Department of Labor in October celebrated the continued improvement of the unemployment rate for veterans since with a 2.9 percent, down from 3.7 percent in 2017 (the non-veteran unemployment rate in comparison is 3.5 percent). This accomplishment […]

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  • The Fortune 2018 Change the World list features 57 companies that are doing well by doing good. These businesses are trying to fix big problems and make money while doing it. That’s right, it’s not a list about charity (though many of these companies also have charitable efforts). It’s about how business—one of the most […]

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  • The past two years have witnessed a bold shift in leadership from the C-Suite.  Now more than ever, CEOs and senior executives at the world’s leading companies are speaking out on social policy issues that conflict with the core values of their business. This phenomenon, dubbed “CEO activism”, is on the rise – and right […]

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  • Few of today’s CEOs earned their job because they were socially responsible and spoke out on hot topics. Yet key stakeholders increasingly want to know where companies and CEOs stand on critical social issues. It might be argued that speaking out is becoming a 21st-century requirement for the leaders of major companies. Data confirms a […]

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  • I’ve had the pleasure of listening to hundreds of companies talk about their approach to measurement for six going on seven years at CECP. We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve gotten blurry eyed when the conversation takes the complex turns measurement and evaluation (M&E) can make. CECP has been known for measurement since its founding, with […]

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  • By far the best thing CEOs and their companies can do to combat sexism, gender discrimination, and sexual misconduct–in short, to support women–is to put diverse women into half of the positions of power and leadership. This is how we resolve a foul, permissive culture. Can you hear the roar in the corporate corridors? Just […]

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  • Photo: UN Global Compact/Zef Nikolla. General Assembly week at the United Nations (UN) in New York City was a busy one, thanks to CECP’s second CEO Investor Forum and dozens of other events related to sustainable development.  As expected, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were front and center throughout. CECP Activities CEO Daryl Brewster joined […]

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  • Along with so many across the nation, CECP was shocked by the events in Charlottesville earlier this month and yet encouraged by the actions of the CEOs of many of world’s largest corporations – most affiliated with this CECP network – that demonstrated that the courage and conviction of business can and should be a […]

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  • When it comes to public stands by corporations, issues in North Carolina and Indiana both drew significant attention over the past year. PayPal didn’t expand operations in North Carolina and Salesforce’s threat of reducing jobs in Indiana changed the tide of public policy. And for every success, there were also examples of consumer backlash. In […]

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