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September 21, 2016–The UN General Assembly is an important moment to reflect and act upon some of the very serious health challenges we currently face, which risk undoing the excellent progress that has been made on improving health around the world. As the United Nations General Assembly takes place in New York this week, GSK will […]
September 13, 2016– Companies are leveraging action on climate to drive growth and innovation whilst managing risk and reducing costs. The Paris Agreement is catalytic. Action on climate is accelerating as businesses set the bold targets that drive innovation, jobs and growth. The race to the top has started—it’s time for companies to decide if […]
Over the course of the past year, CECP, with guidance from Keystone Accountability, has been systematically collecting feedback from our companies to improve our work and help us measure the impact we as an organization are having on the field of corporate societal engagement. Along the way, we applied and took to heart the valuable […]
June 13, 2016–You may remember Ogilvy’s advertising campaign for Nationwide at the Super Bowl, which focused on reducing preventable accidents at home. It was one of the most memorable commercials in recent years, and while it divided opinion, it succeeded in raising awareness for an important issue directly related to the company’s business imperative. It […]
June 8, 2016–The late, great John Whitehead, who was a key leader at CECP and a good friend to the UN and the UN Foundation wrote: “I am convinced that a social conscience is sound business practice.” The United Nations Foundation could not agree more. Today the business community and the development sector have a […]
June 3, 2016–W. Edwards Deming was famously quoted for saying “In God we trust, everyone else bring data.” In the realm of business performance and improvement, the sentiment couldn’t be more spot on. It’s also extremely relevant as companies seek to quantify the effects of their social responsibility efforts, which was a key focus of […]
May 19, 2016–When it comes to social responsibility at Anthem, Inc., we operate on the belief that it’s everyone’s responsibility. As a health benefits company, it’s core to our mission, but what’s more – as a company of associates who genuinely care about their communities, it’s also who we are. Anthem is in the business […]
April 29, 2016–Project ROI: Defining the Competitive and Financial Advantages from Corporate Responsibility (CR) and Sustainability (download at is helping reshape the way companies design their CR approach. We’re hearing that the report, which Forbes has described as a “godsend,” is being passed back and forth between CEOs and their CR teams. CEOs are […]
January 28, 2016–2015 marked the 10th anniversary of Giving in Numbers, the leading corporate societal engagement report that CECP releases. CECP is proud to say that 63 companies (half of them are in the top 100 of the Fortune 500), with approximately 3.2 trillion dollars in combined revenue during 2014, have consistently provided CECP with […]