CECP Insights Blog
CECP's CEO Daryl Brewster, other CECP staff, members of CECP's Board of Directors, and other industry thought leaders provide timely insight into trends and developments on the role of business in society.
Let Numbers Be Numbers
May 2, 2018
How many times have you been tasked with charting a new course, only to be overwhelmed by the number of choices when picking a direction? Already there is a lengthy list of “S in ESG” metrics that relate to people and community initiatives. Each company is on a journey of narrowing its focus on those […]
Are Chinese enterprises going global responsibly?
April 20, 2018
CSR Asia, an ELEVATE company, is a mission-driven business that has evolved over time to become a leader on sustainability issues in Asia. We promote sustainability through a wide range of channels including advisory services, networks, platforms for cross-sector collaboration and by providing access to a repository of insights. This article was originally posted on […]
Helping CSR succeed in India
March 20, 2018
A leading media company is using its storytelling expertise to change sanitation and hygiene behaviours of beneficiaries in Mumbai slums; a transport finance company is training men and women to become truck drivers, providing them with livelihoods opportunities; an Indian conglomerate is implementing systemic socio-economic empowerment programs in villages around its factories. These are just […]
Delivering on Climate Commitments
March 6, 2018
Three reasons innovative companies are investing in landscape-scale restoration As the world counts down to two degrees, innovative companies are taking the lead and filling the policy void. Businesses are voluntarily setting quantifiable climate change targets; many committing to carbon neutrality. Going even further, visionary corporate leaders are delivering on climate commitments through enduring solutions […]
Response to WSJ's "Stocks Weren’t Made for Social Climbing"
February 1, 2018
Andy Kessler made some interesting points in his piece, “Stocks Weren’t Made for Social Climbing” (1/21/18). Chiefly, we at CECP: The CEO Force for Good, agree with his emphasis on the importance of profits. The issue is how you get there and how to create sustainable value, not just short-term gains. When he suggests that […]
10 years of BISC | The importance of BISC research for the corporate social investment
January 2, 2018
In December 2017, Comunitas, a civil society organization based in São Paulo, and the Brazilian Local Authority of the Global Exchange led by CECP, published the 10th edition of The Corporate Social Investment Benchmarking (or BISC, Benchmarking do Investimento Social Corporativo in Portuguese), a comprehensive overview of the achievements in this space over the last […]