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It was recently climate week in NYC where there was a lot of conversation about ESG. Despite the pushback, particularly in the U.S., ESG is alive and well, even if companies are talking about it less and in different ways. The idea that large companies should pay more attention to the impact of their actions […]
This August, CECP hosted its fourth ESG and Sustainable Business Peer Connect– a quarterly opportunity for senior leaders to connect with peers and experts on trending ESG topics. The event discussed how the scope of responsibilities for Chief Sustainability Officers (CSO) have dramatically shifted over recent years, growing to become integral cross-organizational partners in strategy […]
Three reasons innovative companies are investing in landscape-scale restoration As the world counts down to two degrees, innovative companies are taking the lead and filling the policy void. Businesses are voluntarily setting quantifiable climate change targets; many committing to carbon neutrality. Going even further, visionary corporate leaders are delivering on climate commitments through enduring solutions […]