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Companies that have a long-term sustainable value creation strategy thrive even in times of crisis. In fact, companies focused on the long term have demonstrated 47% higher average revenue and 36% higher earnings growth than their peers. Companies that focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are more likely to adopt sustainable practices, reducing their negative impact […]
Driven by investor pressure, the number of companies measuring and reporting on environmental, social and governance (ESG) data has grown exponentially over the past two decades. As investors started incorporating this information into their investment decisions and seeing positive correlations among ESG management, risk mitigation, and financial returns, they began urging companies to publish more […]
Andy Kessler made some interesting points in his piece, “Stocks Weren’t Made for Social Climbing” (1/21/18). Chiefly, we at CECP: The CEO Force for Good, agree with his emphasis on the importance of profits. The issue is how you get there and how to create sustainable value, not just short-term gains. When he suggests that […]