Press Releases
BOSTON, May 23, 2023- This week, Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose© (CECP) is bringing together 200+ senior social impact and corporate responsibility professionals from the world’s leading global companies for the 20th annual CECP Summit: The Age of Agility: A Defining Moment for Business.
Companies Worldwide Are Not Setting Near-Term Goals to Radically Change Business and Save the Planet
April 17, 2023
Study finds companies are increasing the disclosure of material ESG data year over year, yet lack short-term targets that will make an impact.
March 10, 2021, New York, NY—As part of its continuing efforts to empower companies to drive longterm business success through positive societal impact, Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP) announced that James D. White, Former CEO, Jamba Juice, has joined the organization’s distinguished Board of Directors.
January 12, 2021, New York, NY—As part of its continuing efforts to empower companies to drive long-term business success through positive societal impact, Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP) announced that Christiana Riley, CEO, Deutsche Bank USA Corp has joined the organization’s distinguished Board of Directors.