Press Releases
Leaders Share Their Long-Term Business Strategies on Climate at CECP’s CEO Investor Forum
November 22, 2023
Eight CEOs representing $703 billion in market capitalization set the context for future engagement with institutional investors on climate action.
World’s Leading CEOs Discuss How Purpose Propels Profit
November 14, 2023
Demonstrating how purpose propels profit, leading CEOs who are a part of a coalition of more than 200 of the world’s largest companies collectively representing $8.7 trillion in annual revenue and $47 billion in total community investment, attended Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose’s© ( CECP) Board of Boards yesterday in New York, New York.
Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose’s (CECP) 11th CEO Investor Forum focused on climate will be held November 14-15, 2023. CEOs will share Integrated Long-Term Plans including key forward-looking metrics specifically on their company’s future growth, strategy, and risk, three to five years out with institutional investors and companies. Read more here
New research from Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose® (CECP), supported by Steelcase, Inc., about disability inclusion in the workplace finds leading companies are becoming proactive and moving beyond compliance to strategic integration and dedicated resources in their policies, practices, and culture around disability inclusion and workplace design.
Environmental program funding had the highest growth rate of 51% because, according to Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose® (CECP) Giving in Numbers™: 2023 Edition, companies may be increasingly demonstrating the alignment of their community investment priorities with their corporate environmental goals and reporting more publicly on it, as well.
Leading Global CEOs To Share Integrated Long-Term Business Plans on Climate Change With Investors
June 15, 2023
Leading Global CEOs To Share Integrated Long-Term Business Plans on Climate Change With Investors; Siemens US (OTCMKTS: SIEGY); Exelon (NASDAQ: EXC), Nestle (OTCMKTS: NSRGY) and More
BOSTON, May 23, 2023- This week, Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose© (CECP) is bringing together 200+ senior social impact and corporate responsibility professionals from the world’s leading global companies for the 20th annual CECP Summit: The Age of Agility: A Defining Moment for Business.
A Study by Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP) Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is Looking into Businesses’ Response to Changes Over the Past Three Years Due to the pandemic.
Companies Worldwide Are Not Setting Near-Term Goals to Radically Change Business and Save the Planet
April 17, 2023
Study finds companies are increasing the disclosure of material ESG data year over year, yet lack short-term targets that will make an impact.
CECP Global Exchange Report Finds 98% of Surveyed Companies Use Voluntary Standards for ESG Reporting Almost Half (44%) Have Set Net-Zero Goals
January 23, 2023
NEW YORK, January 23, 2023- Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose© (CECP), in collaboration with the CECP Global Exchange, released the Global Impact at Scale: 2022 Edition. The study highlights international trends in corporate purpose strategies such as tracking progress on environmental, social, governance (ESG) factors; commitment to the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG); community investment; […]
Corporate Foundations: An Essential Innovation Tool for Employees, Company, and Community
November 29, 2022
November 29, 2022, NEW YORK—The strategic importance of corporate foundations in the current economy is stronger than ever before, with a new report by Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose® (CECP), Corporate Foundations: Designing for Impact, finding that corporate foundations are vital levers within society and companies.
World’s Leading CEOs Discuss Aligning Stakeholder Needs with Core Business Strategy
November 14, 2022
November 14, 2022, New York, NY—Demonstrating a commitment to focusing on stakeholder needs as part of the core business strategy, leading CEOs who are a part of a coalition of more than 200 corporations collectively representing $7.7 trillion in annual revenue and $37.4 billion in societal investment attended CECP’s Board of Boards.