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In an interview on the Leadership Next podcast with Alan Murray of Fortune, Danone CEO Emmanuel Faber reaffirmed the company’s ambitious goal of becoming one of the first multinational companies to certify as a benefit corporation (B Corp) by 2025. Danone already has 17 B Corp-certified entities – Danone North America currently being one of […]
We’re going to want to reach for the pitchforks as we watch baggage-charging, space-squeezing airlines get a chunk of taxpayers’ money as part of the Covid-19 stimulus package, with very few strings attached. Particularly so after a decade of airlines shipping cash out the door in share buy-backs at an extraordinary scale. As a result, […]
On November 7, 2019, Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP) and Edelman hosted a webinar titled Communicating Long-Term Plans: Best Practices and Examples from the Industry, which can be accessed here. The combined Strategic Investor Initiative and Edelman Long-Term Plan presentation is here and the underlying research on which the content guidance we provide to companies is found here. There […]
This article first appeared on LinkedIn. Brian Tomlinson and Mike Krzus’ report, The Method of Production of Long-Term Plans, can also be viewed for full coverage of the topic. Four thoughts for better long-term focused disclosures Communicating new topics to investors often requires new operational processes, personnel, and data; disclosure can work as an organizational forcing function. Corporations are […]
This article appeared first in the National Association of Corporate Directors’ blog, BoardTalk. Board members don’t need another tome outlining the uncertain times in which their companies find themselves. What they need is a road map to guide their companies in sustainable value creation, which, in a sense, future proofs their business strategies. Uneasy markets? […]
CEOs from institutional investor firms BlackRock and State Street released their annual guidance to companies on practices they “believe will drive sustainable, long-term growth, and profitability.” These letters were issued amidst widespread cynicism, both socially and economically, while anxious chatter continues about the role of business, capitalism, and strategic time horizons. The 2019 Edelman Trust […]
Leading companies are laser-focused on corporate purpose. They explore what their purpose is and how it translates to their people and community and bring that purpose to life through intentional practices and strategies. They use a human-centered lens for all business operations because it helps them see around corners and delivers a competitive edge. All […]
Increasingly consumers are becoming more sophisticated in their ability to discern between true commitment to sustainability and action taken just for show. And they’re not afraid to call out that authenticity–or lack of it–on social media, in conversations with friends, or in any other channel. This has made some brands hesitant — afraid of the […]
We are pleased to announce that this year’s Giving in Numbers report is now available! In keeping with tradition, this year’s report incorporates many of the classic analyses that have characterized this industry-leading report, including total giving by industry, employee volunteer data, and operations. New this year is an expanded section on international giving and […]
How many times have you been tasked with charting a new course, only to be overwhelmed by the number of choices when picking a direction? Already there is a lengthy list of “S in ESG” metrics that relate to people and community initiatives. Each company is on a journey of narrowing its focus on those […]