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  • December 10, 2013–Imagine if your company had to double its giving. By next year. Considering median total corporate giving in 2012 was one percent of pre-tax profit, the majority of companies are not so far from feeling this pressure if their governments enacted a law along these lines. While August 2013 was a quiet month […]

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  • October 21, 2013–Why pro bono? Nonprofit organizations all over the world receive free access to professional services that typically cost thousands of dollars. Corporate employees use their skills to help causes they care about. Businesses create volunteer experiences that can influence the retention and recruitment of high-performing employees and job candidates. CECP, recently released its annual […]

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  • October 1, 2013–CECP, where Fortune 500 companies turn to achieve societal progress and sustainable business performance, recently released its annual Giving in Numbers – 2013 Edition. We analyze in that report how corporate giving evolved during the global recession of 2008 and 2009; despite a slow economic recovery, we found that the majority of companies […]

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