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  • As we all struggle through these unprecedented times, the need for strong purpose-focused leadership, and the world’s leading businesses’ critical role, has become increasingly clear. According to the 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer, “78% of respondents expect business to act to protect employees and the local community”, and that’s never been more true than now. And […]

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  • We’re going to want to reach for the pitchforks as we watch baggage-charging, space-squeezing airlines get a chunk of taxpayers’ money as part of the Covid-19 stimulus package, with very few strings attached. Particularly so after a decade of airlines shipping cash out the door in share buy-backs at an extraordinary scale. As a result, […]

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  • I have been reflecting on the changes that have occurred in education over the last decade. In my previous role, as executive director of education and skills within a multinational company, I was in the center of various reforms. I observed there is a disconnect between K-12 and business that is impacting the future of […]

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  • In CECP’s 2019 Giving in Numbers survey, roughly 80% of companies reported having a corporate foundation, and of those companies, the average number of foundations a company operated was 3. It is clear that companies view having their own corporate foundations as a fundamental component to their corporate responsibility strategies. We also know that CECP […]

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  • When presenting to investors, CEOs need to go deeper than just telling a good marketing story. Institutional investors want to hear more from CEOs about how they are positioning their company to succeed in the long-term. CEOs need to demonstrate that the company’s leadership understands how long-term issues impact value creation and has developed a […]

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  •   One of the most interesting sessions at CECP’s recent Summit was the session on Purpose and Performance delivered by Rebecca Henderson who teaches a class called “Reimagining Capitalism: Business & the Big Problems” at the Harvard Business School among her many other credentials. She talked about the concept of purpose: a widely shared goal […]

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  • Photo credit: The Atlantic’s Inclusion in the Workplace event, underwritten by Lenovo; photo by Elena Olivio   In corporate America, one in five C-suite executives is a woman. One in twenty-five is a woman of color. Approximately one in ten people living with disability, and one in seven people who identify as transgender are unemployed. While […]

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  • The text below are the remarks given by Xavier de Souza Briggs, Vice President, U.S. Programs, Ford Foundation at CECP’s Chairman’s Reception the night before the 14th Annual Board of Boards.    I want to begin by congratulating the members and leadership of CECP for 20 years of terrific accomplishment and growth. I’d also like […]

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  • CEOs from institutional investor firms BlackRock and State Street released their annual guidance to companies on practices they “believe will drive sustainable, long-term growth, and profitability.” These letters were issued amidst widespread cynicism, both socially and economically, while anxious chatter continues about the role of business, capitalism, and strategic time horizons. The 2019 Edelman Trust […]

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  • CECP has browsed hours of video and content found on the World Economic Forum (WEF) homepage to give you the short-and-sweet best of the WEF 2019. See below for our top picks. The Elevator Pitch Overview The prevailing sentiment of the three-day conversation in Davos, Switzerland was subdued, cautious, and apprehensive. The empty seats of […]

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