CECP Insights Blog
CECP's CEO Daryl Brewster, other CECP staff, members of CECP's Board of Directors, and other industry thought leaders provide timely insight into trends and developments on the role of business in society.
CECP Q&A Series: How One Community of Corporate Leaders is Elevating Volunteering for Greater Impact
January 16, 2019
CECP’s nationwide programming brings senior corporate citizenship professionals together to build community and learn from each other and experts from across the social impact space. These in-person and virtual meetings connect corporate leaders to the latest research, case studies, and with like-minded peers to advance their companies’ social impact priorities. Hosted in partnership with Philanthropy […]
Best CSR Reads of 2018
January 14, 2019
As we dive into 2019, I’m sharing my annual list of CSR reads. These thought-provoking pieces from the past year examine how the field is evolving to create greater societal and business impact. In a review of countless articles shared with me and from across the web, five stood out (in total, they take just […]
Four Ways RBC Capital Markets is Engaging its Employees in its Corporate Philanthropy
December 18, 2018
At RBC Capital Markets, we’re passionate about being a values-oriented, purpose-driven and principles-led organization. We call this our “Collective Ambition” and the word collective is critical. We want our employees aligned with our purpose: to help our clients thrive and communities prosper and we want to ensure employees are 100% engaged in the philanthropic initiatives […]
Corporate Purpose is the Tie that Binds: CECP's Annual Trends Report
December 13, 2018
Leading companies are laser-focused on corporate purpose. They explore what their purpose is and how it translates to their people and community and bring that purpose to life through intentional practices and strategies. They use a human-centered lens for all business operations because it helps them see around corners and delivers a competitive edge. All […]
Investments to Promote a More Inclusive Society
December 4, 2018
It is undeniably a divisive time in the United States with growing inequality, polarization of the political spheres, heightened racial tensions, and acts of extremist violence. We are all longing for greater empathy and tolerance. CECP is proud to mark the Day of Understanding by launching a new White Paper, Diversity & Inclusion in Corporate […]
Five Reasons to Prioritize Sustainability in Your Brand Playbook
November 14, 2018
Increasingly consumers are becoming more sophisticated in their ability to discern between true commitment to sustainability and action taken just for show. And they’re not afraid to call out that authenticity–or lack of it–on social media, in conversations with friends, or in any other channel. This has made some brands hesitant — afraid of the […]
Deep dive on Giving in Numbers: How business is supporting veterans
November 12, 2018
Photo: Stuart Parker, CEO of USAA, talks with a veteran at one of the homeless shelters that USAA supports The U.S. Department of Labor in October celebrated the continued improvement of the unemployment rate for veterans since with a 2.9 percent, down from 3.7 percent in 2017 (the non-veteran unemployment rate in comparison is 3.5 percent). This accomplishment […]
Changing the World is Good Business
October 11, 2018
The Fortune 2018 Change the World list features 57 companies that are doing well by doing good. These businesses are trying to fix big problems and make money while doing it. That’s right, it’s not a list about charity (though many of these companies also have charitable efforts). It’s about how business—one of the most […]
Small Decision = Big Impact
September 27, 2018
Each day Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and media venues are bombarded with the idea of social impact and yet many do not understand the true meaning behind the movement. The business dictionary defines social impact as the effect of an activity on the social fabric of a community and well-being of individuals and families in that […]
Calling on the Private Sector to Solve the Next Great Health Crisis of Our Time – Global Safe Surgery
September 25, 2018
The rural hospital where Endalew gave birth benefited from programs run by Safe Surgery 2020, an initiative funded in part by the GE Foundation. Image credit: Jhpiego/Karen Kamauski. The global health world periodically has rude awakenings that expose vulnerabilities in countries’ preparedness to handle health crises. The outbreaks of Ebola and Zika in recent years […]
The swoosh heard ‘round the world
September 24, 2018
Taking a knee made Nike stand up. As brand activism becomes commonplace – even expected – it’s an optimal moment to unpack the factors that spur companies to stand up for something that matters. Enter Nike and Colin Kaepernick, with a contentious new campaign and profound tagline: “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing […]
Companies issue an annual report every year but where can you find information about the corporate sector as a whole? Sure, indices can tell you lots about stock price, market cap, and EBITDA. In this modern age, expectations of companies go much further beyond financial performance. CECP is thrilled to launch Investing in Society, a […]
Over the course of the past year, CECP has, with support from the Walmart Foundation, led an inquiry into the role and current practice of companies integrating Diversity and Inclusion into their Corporate Social Engagement. This effort has been propelled by a questioning of the role of companies in the midst of rising inequality, racial tensions, […]
Climate change is a global challenge, and financial, supply chain and other related risks derived from climate change are among the top of the list of potential major impact risks. Taiwanese companies, like many global companies around the world, are beginning to realize the severity of the situation. Taiwanese businesses are using the Sustainable Development […]
Are Chinese enterprises going global responsibly?
April 20, 2018
CSR Asia, an ELEVATE company, is a mission-driven business that has evolved over time to become a leader on sustainability issues in Asia. We promote sustainability through a wide range of channels including advisory services, networks, platforms for cross-sector collaboration and by providing access to a repository of insights. This article was originally posted on […]