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  • Being presented with the Charles H. Moore Award for Leadership in Corporate Community Engagement will stand out as one of the highlights of my career and I couldn’t be more honored by the distinction. As a young professional growing in the philanthropy field, I can recall the first time I met Charlie Moore and the […]

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  • May 2, 2016–This year, CECP celebrates the completion of the 15th year of this annual data collection process. CECP pioneered in 2001 a survey to track corporate societal engagement with a small group of committed and leading multi-national companies. This annual collection, known as the Giving in Numbers Survey, has grown to capture a wide […]

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  • Image Credit: Change Jam Questions | by love2dreamfish Change Jam Questions | by love2dreamfish January 28, 2016–When CECP staff presents on trends drawn from Giving in Numbers and our hundreds of company conversations, we find many in the audience don’t feel confident in their understanding of impact’s true definition (exhibited by lots of note taking). […]

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  • December 2, 2015–Minnesota is home to dynamic industries and many of the top 100 companies in the Fortune 500 such as UnitedHealth Group, Target, Best Buy, and 3M, making it a model for economic development. Public and private-sector initiatives like Grow Minnesota!, Best in Business Awards, Drive Emerging Leaders, and Executive Women’s Council, engage private […]

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  • November 30, 2015–Earlier this year the UN launched 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which define global priorities and seek to mobilize global efforts around a common set of goals and targets to address shared societal challenges by 2030 in the areas of environmental, social, and governance actions. The SDG’s collective success is predicated on companies […]

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  • November 4, 2015–Congratulations! You’ve earned a senior role in your company’s societal engagement function. You’ve been tapped for your leadership and your ability to collaborate, influence, inspire, and creatively and resiliently navigate the unique complexities of your organization to drive business and social impact. Well done. Now, bolster up! Grab that espresso and protect your […]

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  • October 30, 2015–This week marks 2015 Pro Bono Week (#PWB15), a global campaign to celebrate Pro Bono Services and programs. As business professionals and corporations around the globe draw in the inspiration to strengthen their pro bono programs, earlier this week, CECP released our newly updated Pro Bono Valuation Guide (our two page document to […]

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  • October 26, 2015–It’s Pro bono week!  A growing way companies go deeper in what they deliver through employee engagement programs is Pro Bono Service, which CECP has been tracking since 2008. More companies across different industries are recognizing the value of Pro Bono Services provided by their employees to support nonprofit organizations. It is becoming […]

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  • André Solórzano Manager, Data Insights, CECP August 21, 2015–At the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, CECP looks back at how disaster relief response has changed among companies. We found that overall, the data show that aggregate giving from corporations for disaster relief has declined over the last five years. A deeper look into the data […]

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  • December 23, 2013–As we look towards 2014, CECP predicts what the New Year will bring, based on insights from our conversations in 2013 with more than 200 decision-makers in corporate citizenship and philanthropy from CECP’s community of leading companies. Here are five of our predictions: 1. CSR considered a business imperative – With support from […]

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