CECP Insights Blog
CECP's CEO Daryl Brewster, other CECP staff, members of CECP's Board of Directors, and other industry thought leaders provide timely insight into trends and developments on the role of business in society.
Evolving ESG to Advance Good Business
October 12, 2023
It was recently climate week in NYC where there was a lot of conversation about ESG. Despite the pushback, particularly in the U.S., ESG is alive and well, even if companies are talking about it less and in different ways. The idea that large companies should pay more attention to the impact of their actions […]
Anyone with the idea that CEOs and companies can now stand down with a new Administration has sorely underestimated corporations. They will still fill the role of CEO statespeople Yet, the role of a company will change when a little less rests on their shoulders alone. There is still plenty to do to meet the […]
The Role of Companies Today and Every Day
April 23, 2020
During times like these, when we question everything, we can look at the role of companies through a lens of a larger aperture. Newman’s Own gives all their profits to charity. It’s how Paul Newman founded the company and what drives its mission today. “Let’s give it all away” was the clarion call from Paul […]
Power of Change when K-12 and Business Collaborate
March 5, 2020
I have been reflecting on the changes that have occurred in education over the last decade. In my previous role, as executive director of education and skills within a multinational company, I was in the center of various reforms. I observed there is a disconnect between K-12 and business that is impacting the future of […]
The Long-Term Imperative: How Companies Can Respond
January 7, 2020
On November 7, 2019, Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP) and Edelman hosted a webinar titled Communicating Long-Term Plans: Best Practices and Examples from the Industry, which can be accessed here. The combined Strategic Investor Initiative and Edelman Long-Term Plan presentation is here and the underlying research on which the content guidance we provide to companies is found here. There […]
CECP’s 2020 Look Ahead
December 19, 2019
As companies settle in this world of “corporate purpose”, 2020 will focus on what those purpose statements mean—moving from words to action. Strength will be in solutions, not rhetoric. Stakeholders will be the golden thread of corporate purpose, requiring companies to understand what matters to them, meet their needs in line with the business, work […]
Following the Business Roundtable Statement
September 5, 2019
Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP) congratulates the companies that took a bold step to sign on to the Businesses Roundtable (BRT) statement. We are proud of the progress CECP companies have made since our founding 20 years ago and see the statement as the next step in advancing business as a force for good. […]
Leading companies are now more deliberately leveraging leadership and employee engagement to generate sustainable social good. It’s an answer to the question, “How does business shift to meet the changing demands of investors, employees, customers, and communities to meet business and social standards?” For years we’ve known that leadership and employee engagement are important, of […]
Corporate Purpose is the Tie that Binds: CECP's Annual Trends Report
December 13, 2018
Leading companies are laser-focused on corporate purpose. They explore what their purpose is and how it translates to their people and community and bring that purpose to life through intentional practices and strategies. They use a human-centered lens for all business operations because it helps them see around corners and delivers a competitive edge. All […]
Investments to Promote a More Inclusive Society
December 4, 2018
It is undeniably a divisive time in the United States with growing inequality, polarization of the political spheres, heightened racial tensions, and acts of extremist violence. We are all longing for greater empathy and tolerance. CECP is proud to mark the Day of Understanding by launching a new White Paper, Diversity & Inclusion in Corporate […]
Companies issue an annual report every year but where can you find information about the corporate sector as a whole? Sure, indices can tell you lots about stock price, market cap, and EBITDA. In this modern age, expectations of companies go much further beyond financial performance. CECP is thrilled to launch Investing in Society, a […]
You Didn’t Learn This in Business School
May 29, 2018
Few of today’s CEOs earned their job because they were socially responsible and spoke out on hot topics. Yet key stakeholders increasingly want to know where companies and CEOs stand on critical social issues. It might be argued that speaking out is becoming a 21st-century requirement for the leaders of major companies. Data confirms a […]
December 18, 2017
As the wild ride of 2017 comes to an end, we reflect on a year that was replete with loss and pain, but also a year when leading corporations have stepped up on major social issues. Through CECP’s collaboration with 200+ companies, hundreds of monthly inquiries and discussions, proprietary surveys, and conversations with leading experts and on-the-ground […]
New Public-Private Partnership Promises Shared Value for Better Nutrition and Livelihoods in Nigeria
November 22, 2017
In Kaduna State, Nigeria, as in many parts of the developing world, post-harvest losses due to high levels of mycotoxins, such as aflatoxin, and other contaminants have plagued staple crops such as maize and soybean, making it much harder for small-holder farmers to earn a decent income. These mycotoxins also threaten the health and lives […]
CreateNYC: A Look at How NYC’s Cultural Roadmap Makes a Case for the Social Value of the Arts
November 21, 2017
Photo: Hester Street Collaborative In July, the City of New York released CreateNYC: A Cultural Plan for All New Yorkers, a first-of-its-kind comprehensive plan to establish New York City’s cultural roadmap for the next decade. The plan sets forth objectives and strategies for achieving a more inclusive, equitable, and resilient cultural ecosystem. It examines a number […]