CECP Insights Blog
CECP's CEO Daryl Brewster, other CECP staff, members of CECP's Board of Directors, and other industry thought leaders provide timely insight into trends and developments on the role of business in society.
How Adobe and Team4Tech Scaled Virtual Volunteering Experiences and Boosted Engagement
April 8, 2021
“Paralysis” is how one Adobe corporate social responsibility leader described March 2020. Seemingly overnight, all in-person volunteering programs at the multinational software company halted. As the pandemic dragged on, Adobe was forced to completely redefine its employee volunteering initiatives. Traditionally, high-quality skilled volunteering programs required face-to-face experiences. COVID forced Adobe’s social impact and engagement leaders […]
Power of Change when K-12 and Business Collaborate
March 5, 2020
I have been reflecting on the changes that have occurred in education over the last decade. In my previous role, as executive director of education and skills within a multinational company, I was in the center of various reforms. I observed there is a disconnect between K-12 and business that is impacting the future of […]
With the pace of technological disruption faster than ever, a new approach to life-long learning is needed. The world is changing. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is here, and it is having an impact on everything, including the future of work. A significant evolution of the labour market is forecast over the next 10 years, and we […]
Forget Seats at the Table – We Need a NEW Table
March 21, 2019
Photo credit: The Atlantic’s Inclusion in the Workplace event, underwritten by Lenovo; photo by Elena Olivio In corporate America, one in five C-suite executives is a woman. One in twenty-five is a woman of color. Approximately one in ten people living with disability, and one in seven people who identify as transgender are unemployed. While […]
Corporate Purpose is the Tie that Binds: CECP's Annual Trends Report
December 13, 2018
Leading companies are laser-focused on corporate purpose. They explore what their purpose is and how it translates to their people and community and bring that purpose to life through intentional practices and strategies. They use a human-centered lens for all business operations because it helps them see around corners and delivers a competitive edge. All […]
Girls With Impact: Equipping 10,000 Girls as Tomorrow’s CEOs
November 13, 2018
Stanley Black and Black & Decker wanted to engage its employees while supporting diversity. Houlihan Lawrence, the brokerage firm owned by Berkshire Hathaway, wanted to demonstrate to its 1300 agents its commitment to the next generation. Eversource Energy sought purpose as it launched its internal women’s network for the first time while hoping to lead […]
Creating a Better World through Business
September 18, 2018
“Two heads are better than one,” is a proverb ascribed to a certain John Heywood in 1546. But, what if instead of two, it was six, or twelve? At CECP, we believe that businesses are a force for good and their collective wisdom will make the world a better place. In 1999, Paul Newman had […]
Like many employees today, CSR professionals are facing the challenge of “too much data and not sure what to do with it.” If you’re interested in using data for your impact work with community partners and personalizing the employee experience of how they can live their purpose through the company…. Keep reading. Good intelligence needs […]
Technologies like AI, blockchain, and cloud are enabling us to make significant progress on many thorny social challenges. But without thoughtful stewardship about how these powerful new technologies are designed, developed and brought into the world, they can also be disruptive in a negative way. Companies that are leading the way in developing new technologies […]
It’s no surprise that when students become fascinated by science, that enthusiasm can be contagious. From our survey with Change the Equation, we know students crave hands-on biology experiences that are often lacking in the classroom. The Amgen Foundation is on a mission to help more students catch the science bug, by introducing them to […]
I've Seen the Future, & It's Higher-Tech
January 12, 2017
Post 1 of 2 related to CES 2017. Post 2. Couldn’t attend the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) on 5-7 January in Las Vegas yourself? Read on. In attending for the first time on behalf of CECP, I glimpsed the future of our homes, workplaces, and lives. Sometimes it made my eyes open wide, other times […]