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CVS Health's Prescription for a Better World

November 10, 2014–One of the keys to successful corporate social responsibility should be a strong connection to an organization’s mission or purpose. Purpose coupled with strong alignment to business priorities...

Perception Needs to Catch Up to Practice: Response to New York Times Article

November 4, 2014–The October 26, 2013 article, Goldman Sachs, Buying Redemption, was a reminder that corporate societal engagement is changing quickly, yet public perception has not yet caught up. Current,...

The Private Sector's Role in Defining Citizenship

October 28, 2014–Our country would benefit tremendously if all young people served their country – not just in the military, but in all kinds of service. The challenges faced by...

Unique Findings from Giving in Numbers: 2014 Edition

October 27, 2014–According to CECP’s recent research report, Giving in Numbers: 2014 Edition, companies had to give a minimum of about 2% of Pre-Tax Profits to be in the top...

In the Leverage Business

October 15, 2014–Allstate’s recent “Purple Purse” event, held at the Glass Houses in New York City, provides a glimpse into how one company uses its influence as a “Force for...

Response to "Motivating Corporations to Do Good"

July 29, 2014–We were pleased to see the New York Timespiece, “Motivating Corporations to Do Good’ (7/15/2014). At CECP, founded in 1999 by Paul Newman and leading CEOs to do...

Harnessing Employee Passions: Models that Work

July 2, 2014–The millennial generation is passionate about societal involvement, and companies are taking notice. At the 2014 CECP Board of Boards Roundtable, CEOs identified employees as the most influential...

Key Takeaways From CECP

June 04, 2014– On May 19-21, 250 leaders in corporate philanthropy and social responsibility convened in New York City for CECP’s signature event – the Giving Officer Summit. I had...

Should All Companies Pursue Collective Impact?

June 03, 2014– A hot topic at the CECP Summit this year was the role companies should play in collaborative efforts. In a jam-packed room, I had the pleasure of...

Former CEOs Speak Candidly About Corporate Citizenship

May 27, 2014– If CEOs of companies were asked if their companies should do good, all of them would say yes. “The issue is not whether or not they want...