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Pursue Purpose Through New Power

May 22, 2014— Imagine you’re eleven. You live in Rio. You absolutely love school. It’s a safe place where you are free to learn, engage with your peers, and grow....

Investing In All Of Us

May 22, 2014– This week, I had the privilege of participating in Redefining Returns: The Impact of an Emerging Investment Model, a session at CECP’s 2014 Summit: What Counts in...

How are Nonprofits Across the Country Faring?

Note from CECP: Kristin Giantris will be speaking about her organization’s State of the Sector Survey on the New Models for Supporting a Shovel-Ready Third Sector panel at the CECP...

Your Voice Needed: The Next Global Development Agenda

April 22, 2014– As the CECP community knows, what’s good for societies is good for business. When companies adopt sustainable energy solutions, they can seize economic opportunities while safeguarding the...

Internal Communications: Reaching Your Captive Audience

April 10, 2014– At CECP, we have the privilege of talking to more than 100 leaders in corporate citizenship and community investment per quarter, and one of the common challenges...

The India CSR Requirement is in Place: Does it Apply to Your Company?

April 1, 2014 — CECP’s time in India presenting at Dasra’s Philanthropy Week was all too short. Before the trip, I posted about what I hoped to learn about the...

Expanding the Borders of CECP’s Expertise

February 26, 2014– Who do you call for advice when your company wants to start giving in India, South Africa, or any other new market? Did you think about CECP?...

5 Reasons Why I Attend the Board of Boards CEO Roundtable

February 3, 2014– As corporate leaders, we have a responsibility to represent all of our stakeholders in the most enlightened way possible. This means meaningfully promoting the interests of our...

Is 2014 the Break-Through Year for Integrated Reporting?

January 8, 2014–Integrated Reporting—the combination of financial and non-financial performance in a single report—is based on the principle that any organization can maximize value by serving the interest of all...

CECP's Predictions for 2014

December 23, 2013–As we look towards 2014, CECP predicts what the New Year will bring, based on insights from our conversations in 2013 with more than 200 decision-makers in corporate...