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CECP Insights Blog

CECP's CEO Daryl Brewster, other CECP staff, members of CECP's Board of Directors, and other industry thought leaders provide timely insight into trends and developments on the role of business in society.

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  • Please note: This blog post is authored by both Greg Hills, Managing Director, FSG and Elizabeth Hawkins, Senior Consultant, FSG.  If you lead your company’s corporate social responsibility or sustainability efforts, you are likely getting calls about the unpredictable political context in the U.S. and around the world. C-suite leadership, colleagues, employees, and partners are […]

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  • Four years ago, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation—the nation’s largest health philanthropy—put a stake in the ground, setting a vision to build a Culture of Health in America that enables everyone to live the healthiest life possible. Bold? Absolutely. But we believe it’s possible and pledged to see it though. We often describe building a […]

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  • Young people today make up the largest youth population in history. Their successes and struggles are as diverse as their personalities and aspirations. However, in all corners of the globe, this generation faces a common challenge: persistent, high rates of youth unemployment. Left unaddressed, the consequences reverberate across our cities and affect us all. When […]

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  • Didn’t have a chance to absorb everything at the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2017 in Davos, Switzerland? CECP has a cheat sheet for you. With a Forum theme of Responsive & Responsible Leadership, we were pleased many sessions featured CECP’s CEOs and relate to CECP’s work. If you don’t have time to browse all the […]

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  • It’s hard to believe that we are already in the second month of 2017! So much has happened in the world and at CECP since the New Year, and even more since the launch of the Global Exchange back in September 2016. There is of course anticipation to see how the current political climate will […]

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  • Post 2 of 2 related to CES 2017. Post 1. Companies at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2017 demonstrated how lots of industries are shifting from providing a product or service to providing an experience which fulfills a need or solves a problem. Living sustainably is increasingly the collective need/problem, compelling more big companies to […]

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  • Post 1 of 2 related to CES 2017. Post 2.  Couldn’t attend the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) on 5-7 January in Las Vegas yourself? Read on. In attending for the first time on behalf of CECP, I glimpsed the future of our homes, workplaces, and lives. Sometimes it made my eyes open wide, other times […]

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  • Now more than ever, children and families seeking refuge need our support. This holiday season, you can give a life-changing gift to someone in need. Join AOL in supporting Save the Children this year by purchasing a Gift of Joy, and help ensure children around the globe receive what they deserve this holiday season: a […]

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  • Brave Moves in a Complex World

    As this tumultuous year comes to a close and pundits prognosticate about the implications, there is a great deal of uncertainty about how governments will act with respect to climate change, improving conditions for workers, embracing diversity and inclusion, international cooperation and other major geopolitical challenges. CECP’s view is that the world’s leading corporations have […]

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  • November 11th marks the day when not only the U.S. –through Veterans Day–but also many parts of the world–through Armistice Day or Remembrance Day–commemorate the efforts and sacrifices of military veterans who have served and those who have fallen for their countries. Join us to take a closer look on how large companies support government […]

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  • October 27, 2016–Did you know, that pro bono service is the fastest growing domestic volunteer program among leading global companies in the last three years? According to CECP’s report on trends in corporate societal engagement, Giving in Numbers: 2016 Edition, the percentage of companies offering pro bono services in the US increased from 43% in […]

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  • October 13, 2016–Giving in Numbers: 2016 Edition is my sixth Giving in Numbers report release since joining the CECP team. Completing the full report is always a labor of love for CECP, and its completion is a major milestone that we celebrate. The process begins in March when companies take time to submit survey information […]

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  • September 22, 2016–Giving Around the Globe’s latest edition is out! As in past years, the report offers insights on a myriad of issues affecting companies and their corporate societal engagement programs around the globe, including the private sector’s involvement towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Europe. Read more […]

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  • September 21, 2016–The UN General Assembly is an important moment to reflect and act upon some of the very serious health challenges we currently face, which risk undoing the excellent progress that has been made on improving health around the world. As the United Nations General Assembly takes place in New York this week, GSK will […]

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  • September 13, 2016– Companies are leveraging action on climate to drive growth and innovation whilst managing risk and reducing costs. The Paris Agreement is catalytic. Action on climate is accelerating as businesses set the bold targets that drive innovation, jobs and growth. The race to the top has started—it’s time for companies to decide if […]

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