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CECP Insights Blog

CECP's CEO Daryl Brewster, other CECP staff, members of CECP's Board of Directors, and other industry thought leaders provide timely insight into trends and developments on the role of business in society.

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  • The New Competitive Advantage

    December 17, 2015–As 2015 comes to a close, it will be remembered for global triumphs and heartbreaking losses. The push and pull of a variety of worldwide forces presented us with simultaneous challenges and boundless opportunities. We face challenges of terrorism, racial tension, social injustice, refugees, and other regional and global conflicts that threaten our […]

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  • December 15, 2015–On November 19, 2015 CECP convened its 7th Utility Industry Roundtable in San Francisco, hosted by the PG&E Corporation. CECP presented 2014 Utilities Industry corporate giving trends, and participant companies shared corporate societal engagement practices and case studies. The Utilities Industry not only seeks innovation in terms of finding more renewable sources of […]

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  • December 14, 2015–Holidays are a time we enjoy with family and friends celebrating the traditions we hold dear. Many of us look for opportunities at home and work to give back this season. At CECP, our organization is dedicated to enabling and encouraging business as a force for good in our society. The companies we […]

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  • December 2, 2015–Minnesota is home to dynamic industries and many of the top 100 companies in the Fortune 500 such as UnitedHealth Group, Target, Best Buy, and 3M, making it a model for economic development. Public and private-sector initiatives like Grow Minnesota!, Best in Business Awards, Drive Emerging Leaders, and Executive Women’s Council, engage private […]

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  • November 30, 2015–Earlier this year the UN launched 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which define global priorities and seek to mobilize global efforts around a common set of goals and targets to address shared societal challenges by 2030 in the areas of environmental, social, and governance actions. The SDG’s collective success is predicated on companies […]

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  • November 4, 2015–Congratulations! You’ve earned a senior role in your company’s societal engagement function. You’ve been tapped for your leadership and your ability to collaborate, influence, inspire, and creatively and resiliently navigate the unique complexities of your organization to drive business and social impact. Well done. Now, bolster up! Grab that espresso and protect your […]

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  • October 30, 2015–This week marks 2015 Pro Bono Week (#PWB15), a global campaign to celebrate Pro Bono Services and programs. As business professionals and corporations around the globe draw in the inspiration to strengthen their pro bono programs, earlier this week, CECP released our newly updated Pro Bono Valuation Guide (our two page document to […]

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  • October 26, 2015–It’s Pro bono week!  A growing way companies go deeper in what they deliver through employee engagement programs is Pro Bono Service, which CECP has been tracking since 2008. More companies across different industries are recognizing the value of Pro Bono Services provided by their employees to support nonprofit organizations. It is becoming […]

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  • André Solórzano Manager, Data Insights, CECP August 21, 2015–At the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, CECP looks back at how disaster relief response has changed among companies. We found that overall, the data show that aggregate giving from corporations for disaster relief has declined over the last five years. A deeper look into the data […]

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  • July 15, 2015–Frank Bruni (The Sunny Side of Greed, 7/1/15) has identified an essential truth of modern commerce. As we move from the industrial age to the information age, the instant, transparent dynamics of commercial life have spawned a different generation of businesses, a sea change if you will. They are growing cultures infused with […]

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  • May 14, 2015–In response to “Philanthropy Starts After Profits Are Tallied”(New York Times, May 12, 2015), the notion that companies must choose between philanthropy and the welfare of their stakeholders presents a false dichotomy. Leading CEOs have realized that they can align mission and market. Coca Cola and PepsiCo have campaigned against their own (short-term, […]

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  • Giving Around the Globe

    February 24, 2015– I have just read the second annual Giving Around the Globe report from CECP (I am a board member), a coalition of 150 global CEOs who are a force for good, on giving patterns of companies based in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. Here are some of the most interesting […]

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  • CECP’s Top 2014 Trends

    December 16, 2014–This year CECP engaged in more than 1,000 individual conversations with the world’s leading CEOs and companies, analyzed nearly 300 corporate giving surveys, and published key reports on corporate societal engagement. These insightful connections have uniquely positioned CECP to capture and share some of the most exciting trends of 2014: Purpose Leads to Performance: […]

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  • November 10, 2014–One of the keys to successful corporate social responsibility should be a strong connection to an organization’s mission or purpose. Purpose coupled with strong alignment to business priorities can deliver an impactful platform that supports both long-term growth and social change. At CVS Health, our programs and initiatives are deeply rooted in our […]

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  • November 4, 2014–The October 26, 2013 article, Goldman Sachs, Buying Redemption, was a reminder that corporate societal engagement is changing quickly, yet public perception has not yet caught up. Current, and effective, incarnations of corporate-community investment include projects to solve some of society’s toughest challenges that are benefiting communities and the companies investing in them. […]

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