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CECP Insights Blog

CECP's CEO Daryl Brewster, other CECP staff, members of CECP's Board of Directors, and other industry thought leaders provide timely insight into trends and developments on the role of business in society.

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  • October 28, 2014–Our country would benefit tremendously if all young people served their country – not just in the military, but in all kinds of service. The challenges faced by our nation, and the obvious deterioration of many of the institutions and opportunities that have historically helped buttress citizenship, make this idea more important than […]

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  • October 27, 2014–According to CECP’s recent research report, Giving in Numbers: 2014 Edition, companies had to give a minimum of about 2% of Pre-Tax Profits to be in the top quartile of corporate givers. Is that a lot? Depends who you ask! One potential comparison is to American individuals—a Chronicle of Philanthropy study found that […]

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  • In the Leverage Business

    October 15, 2014–Allstate’s recent “Purple Purse” event, held at the Glass Houses in New York City, provides a glimpse into how one company uses its influence as a “Force for Good” to multiply its business and societal impact. Allstate CEO Tom Wilson, who will speak at CECP’s upcoming Board of Boards CEO event about his […]

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  • July 29, 2014–We were pleased to see the New York Timespiece, “Motivating Corporations to Do Good’ (7/15/2014). At CECP, founded in 1999 by Paul Newman and leading CEOs to do exactly that, we work with a coalition of 150 CEOs who are leading businesses in an increasingly transparent climate. But what truly motivates companies to […]

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  • July 2, 2014–The millennial generation is passionate about societal involvement, and companies are taking notice. At the 2014 CECP Board of Boards Roundtable, CEOs identified employees as the most influential stakeholder group in deciding whether to expand their companies’ community investment. CECP data show that 86% of companies match employee gifts, and that the median […]

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  • June 04, 2014– On May 19-21, 250 leaders in corporate philanthropy and social responsibility convened in New York City for CECP’s signature event – the Giving Officer Summit. I had the opportunity to attend the summit along with SVCF’s President & CEO Dr. Emmett Carson. The summit provided dynamic and relevant content, many opportunities to […]

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  • June 03, 2014– A hot topic at the CECP Summit this year was the role companies should play in collaborative efforts. In a jam-packed room, I had the pleasure of representing FSG on a lively panel discussing collective impact with Citi Foundation CEO Pam Flaherty moderated by CECP Executive Director Margaret Coady. Collective impact is […]

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  • May 27, 2014– If CEOs of companies were asked if their companies should do good, all of them would say yes. “The issue is not whether or not they want to do good. It’s an issue of priority,” said Carly Fiorina, speaking at the CECP’s 2014 Summit held in New York City last week. Most […]

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  • May 22, 2014— Imagine you’re eleven. You live in Rio. You absolutely love school. It’s a safe place where you are free to learn, engage with your peers, and grow. But suddenly you hear about plans to demolish the school building. In its place will be a parking lot for a local stadium.   What […]

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  • Investing In All Of Us

    May 22, 2014– This week, I had the privilege of participating in Redefining Returns: The Impact of an Emerging Investment Model, a session at CECP’s 2014 Summit: What Counts in New York for almost 300 corporate giving professionals. The session focused on impact investing, which Amy Bell, Executive Director and Head of Principal Investments at […]

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  • Note from CECP: Kristin Giantris will be speaking about her organization’s State of the Sector Survey on the New Models for Supporting a Shovel-Ready Third Sector panel at the CECP Summit May 20-21. May 12, 2014– On the day Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF) opened its annual State of the Sector Survey, a water main burst […]

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  • April 22, 2014– As the CECP community knows, what’s good for societies is good for business. When companies adopt sustainable energy solutions, they can seize economic opportunities while safeguarding the planet. When women are economically empowered, they create a new pool of talent, suppliers, and customers. And when workers have bed nets to protect them from […]

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  • April 10, 2014– At CECP, we have the privilege of talking to more than 100 leaders in corporate citizenship and community investment per quarter, and one of the common challenges we hear is the difficulty in sharing the company’s community impact and opportunities for engagement with its closest audience: its employees. What makes this so challenging? […]

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  • April 1, 2014 — CECP’s time in India presenting at Dasra’s Philanthropy Week was all too short. Before the trip, I posted about what I hoped to learn about the two percent CSR regulation. Here’s an update on what U.S. companies with business in India need to know: The regulation does apply to foreign companies. The […]

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  • February 26, 2014– Who do you call for advice when your company wants to start giving in India, South Africa, or any other new market? Did you think about CECP? If not, you should. People think of CECP as having a finger on the pulse of trends among leading CSR professionals, drawing from its robust […]

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