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CECP Insights Blog

CECP's CEO Daryl Brewster, other CECP staff, members of CECP's Board of Directors, and other industry thought leaders provide timely insight into trends and developments on the role of business in society.

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  • Taking a knee made Nike stand up. As brand activism becomes commonplace – even expected – it’s an optimal moment to unpack the factors that spur companies to stand up for something that matters. Enter Nike and Colin Kaepernick, with a contentious new campaign and profound tagline: “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing […]

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  • “Two heads are better than one,” is a proverb ascribed to a certain John Heywood in 1546. But, what if instead of two, it was six, or twelve? At CECP, we believe that businesses are a force for good and their collective wisdom will make the world a better place. In 1999, Paul Newman had […]

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  • Companies issue an annual report every year but where can you find information about the corporate sector as a whole? Sure, indices can tell you lots about stock price, market cap, and EBITDA. In this modern age, expectations of companies go much further beyond financial performance. CECP is thrilled to launch Investing in Society, a […]

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  • The past two years have witnessed a bold shift in leadership from the C-Suite.  Now more than ever, CEOs and senior executives at the world’s leading companies are speaking out on social policy issues that conflict with the core values of their business. This phenomenon, dubbed “CEO activism”, is on the rise – and right […]

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  • Like many employees today, CSR professionals are facing the challenge of “too much data and not sure what to do with it.” If you’re interested in using data for your impact work with community partners and personalizing the employee experience of how they can live their purpose through the company…. Keep reading. Good intelligence needs […]

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  • In “Short-Termism is Harming the US Economy,” Jamie Dimon and Warren Buffett argue that executives who target quarterly, short-term results often do so at the sacrifice of long-term strategy and results. This, in turn, harms the sustainable success of companies and the economy as a whole. We agree. As part of CECP’s Strategic Investor Initiative, […]

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  • Over the course of the past year, CECP has, with support from the Walmart Foundation, led an inquiry into the role and current practice of companies integrating Diversity and Inclusion into their Corporate Social Engagement. This effort has been propelled by a questioning of the role of companies in the midst of rising inequality, racial tensions, […]

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  • Few of today’s CEOs earned their job because they were socially responsible and spoke out on hot topics. Yet key stakeholders increasingly want to know where companies and CEOs stand on critical social issues. It might be argued that speaking out is becoming a 21st-century requirement for the leaders of major companies. Data confirms a […]

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  • Technologies like AI, blockchain, and cloud are enabling us to make significant progress on many thorny social challenges. But without thoughtful stewardship about how these powerful new technologies are designed, developed and brought into the world, they can also be disruptive in a negative way. Companies that are leading the way in developing new technologies […]

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  • Beyond Philanthropy’s benchmarking study on Corporate Citizenship Engagement of the DAX 30 companies shows that German corporations are actively engaged in society beyond their economic activity; nevertheless, they should do more than just reducing their negative impacts on society and environment or contributing cash donations to NGOs. Companies will need to take their social engagement […]

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  • Climate change is a global challenge, and financial, supply chain and other related risks derived from climate change are among the top of the list of potential major impact risks. Taiwanese companies, like many global companies around the world, are beginning to realize the severity of the situation. Taiwanese businesses are using the Sustainable Development […]

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  • How many times have you been tasked with charting a new course, only to be overwhelmed by the number of choices when picking a direction? Already there is a lengthy list of “S in ESG” metrics that relate to people and community initiatives. Each company is on a journey of narrowing its focus on those […]

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  • CSR Asia, an ELEVATE company, is a mission-driven business that has evolved over time to become a leader on sustainability issues in Asia. We promote sustainability through a wide range of channels including advisory services, networks, platforms for cross-sector collaboration and by providing access to a repository of insights. This article was originally posted on […]

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  • Building Your Scorecard or Raising Your Ranking? Whenever I dive into the landscape of reporting standards, guidelines, ratings, rankings, indices…. I get dizzy very quickly. The ecosystem of companies measuring and reporting on how they are a force for good in society is alive and well. The nuts and bolts of how companies accomplish reporting can be […]

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  • A leading media company is using its storytelling expertise to change sanitation and hygiene behaviours of beneficiaries in Mumbai slums; a transport finance company is training men and women to become truck drivers, providing them with livelihoods opportunities; an Indian conglomerate is implementing systemic socio-economic empowerment programs in villages around its factories. These are just […]

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